BCC 3.0
Information to come soon
BCC 2.0
Information to come soon
BCC 2.0
I will try not to bombard you every week with emails, but there are a few things we need to take care of to get up and running:
1. Every student MUST sign up for an Edmodo account, below is information regarding the program and how to sign up. This is the best place to share work with your classmates, ask your teacher a question, and turn in homework.
2. code.org working at home. Students are encouraged to sign on and work on their code.org lessons at home. Be sure to complete lessons in order, do not jump around. Make sure you are always logged onto your code.org account, if not your progress will not be saved. Parents, I have attached the passwords for the whole class, look through them to find your student's password card. 2nd and 3rd grades use this site http://studio.code.org/sections/VFYGCL
and 4th and 5th grades use this site http://studio.code.org/sections/KHFPHS
3. Homework Wednesdays we will post optional homework assignments on Edmodo. Don't look the answers up online and get as little help from your parents as possible. Instructions on how to submit homework will be included in the assignments on Edmodo. ALL students who turn in homework win a trip to our prize box.
4. Sphero and BB8. Each Friday 4 students will take home a Sphero or BB8 to play with over the weekend. Attached are two lists of compatible devices, one for BB8 and one for Sphero. Please check both lists, verify you have a compatible device, then email me to confirm you have one. Toys MUST be returned to Mrs. Hawley's office first thing Monday morning.
5. End of session awards. At the end of the session your teachers will nominate a few students to receive Excellence Awards and a $10 iTunes gift card (to be use for coding games, of course). These are give to students who worked hard every class, completed homework and extra assignments, never gave up even when faced with a tough problem, and who had fun coding.
6. Stay Connected. There are three ways to stay up to date with announcements, games, free classes, and activities: our blog our Facebook andTwitter @BrassfieldCodes. Pick your favorite and follow us.
I know this is a lot to digest, I wanted to give all to you in one email. If you have any questions or if I missed something, please email me. You can find all this information on our blog as well.
Sara Teristi
We will be using Edmodo in The Brassfield Coding Club. Edmodo is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for teachers and students to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions, manage due dates, and receive class information.
Unlike other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, Edmodo is a tool strictly for educational purposes and we will be enforcing the following guidelines:
- Students will be required to use appropriate grammar instead of texting language
- Edmodo does not allow private student-to-student messaging - the site will be used to discuss school-related content only, and the teacher will monitor all Edmodo activity
- No put-downs or sarcasm toward another’s ideas. All school rules and consequences related to harassment apply
- Students who violate the guidelines above may face disciplinary action and/or face losing the privilege of using Edmodo.
Edmodo is accessible to Teachers, Students and Parents at any time on any device through the Web. Please note that while the iPad app is not available for the Parent Accounts at this time, Parents can now download iPhone and Android apps by searching “Edmodo for Parents”.
If you wish to follow your child’s account to stay up to date on class activities and grades, you can by signing up for your Parent Account on the website at any time.
STUDENTS If you have never created an Edmodo Account,
You can create a new Student Account by following the steps below:
- Obtain a 6-digit Group Code, ours is 89rm78
- Go to www.edmodo.com and click "I'm a Student."
- Fill out the registration form with the Group Code, a unique username, and password. An email address is not required to sign up for a Student Account.
- Select the “Sign up” button to complete the sign up process.
If your Group code is unlocked, you will then see the Group your teacher created in the left side panel of your account. If your Group code is locked, then you will be placed into an approval queue and you will be added to the Group when your Teacher approves your Group Join Request.
STUDENTS If you already have an Edmodo Account:
- Log in, and click "Join a Group" on the bottom of the Groups list, on the left of your Edmodo home page.
- Enter the Group Code 89rm78 and click "Join." You must get this code from the Teacher who owns the Group or a co-teacher.
- If the Group Code is unlocked, you'll be added right to the Group! If it's locked, then you'll be added to an approval queue and must wait for the Teacher or Co-Teacher of the Group to approve your join request.
PARENTS How to Sign Up
- Obtain the unique 6 or 7 digit Parent Code from your child’s account (this is not the same as your child’s Group Code/s).
- The Parent Code is attached to your child’s account. Each child has a different Parent Code. You can find your Parent Code the following ways:
- Your child’s Edmodo Homepage: the Parent Code is located on the bottom of the left side panel.
- Your child’s teacher can provide you with the Parent Code.
- The Parent Code is attached to your child’s account. Each child has a different Parent Code. You can find your Parent Code the following ways:
- Go to www.edmodo.com on a web browser (you can also sign-up with the Edmodo for Parents Android App and iOS Apps).
- Click “I'm a Parent.”
- Fill in the necessary information and your unique Parent Code, and check the box to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Click "Sign Up."
You only need one Parent Account your entire time on Edmodo. Even if you have multiple children using Edmodo, you can add them all to your one account. There is never a need to create a new Parent Account (and there is never a need for your child to create a new Student Account either). If your child did create a new account, simply obtain the Parent Code associated with your child's new account and add it to your existing Parent Account. As your child joins or leaves classes or schools, your account will automatically update to reflect these changes.
How to find Hour of Code Activities and continue with your lessons:
- Sign on to your code.org account using the link emailed to you.
- Click your name, click your password picture, and click SIGN IN.
- You will automatically be taken to our Course Page, here you can catch up on your class lessons or do some of the following:
Hour of Code Activities
To find the Hour of Code activities click on the
image in the upper left of your screen, scroll down and find the activities listed under ‘The Hour of Code for All Ages’. Select the one you would like to complete and get started! Your progress will be saved under your account for you to come back to whenever you have time.
Posting Artwork
You will need to post a link on Edmodo for this one. When you are logged onto your code.org account. Go into one of your course lessons, it doesn’t matter which one. In the right corner by your name you will see
click on the pencil to open the ‘Draw Something’ artwork game. When you are done, rename your project, save it and click share. Copy the link and post it on Edmodo for the whole class to see! Make sure to “Create New” for each project or you will lose your previous art.
Make an App
Follow the same procedure for Posting Artwork above, except click on the
image by your name. Share it on Edmodo the same way.
Prizes and Awards
- Doing homework earns you a trip to our prize box.
- Finishing Hour of Code Activities, Course Lessons, Homework, and hard work will earn you chance to take home BB8 or Sphero for the weekend! We don not have enough for each student to take a toy home this year. So work hard to earn your chance! Winners will be announced on BTV Friday mornings. You may pick up your toy from Mrs. Hawley in the Media Center in the morning. TOYS MUST BE RETURNED FIRST THING MONDAY MORNING.
- One student in each class will win our GRAND PRIZE and SCHOOL WIDE RECOGNITION on the last day of your session.
Ways to earn Spheros for the Weekend:
- Complete Course Lessons
- Homework
- Posting Artwork
- Make an App
- Complete Hour of Code Activities:
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Star Wars Blocks
- Code with Anna and Elsa
- Classic Maze
- Make a Flappy Game
- Infinity Play Lab
- Play Lab The Amazing World of Gumball
- Play Lab Ice Age
- Artist
To make sure you get credit for everything you do, always log on to your code.org account when you play on code.org!
Use Edmodo!! This is a great way to communicate with your class, ask questions, submit homework, share ideas, show off your work, and get credit for all of your hard work!